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Flywheel Lightening Service

SKU: S12733

What separates us from other flywheel lightening services? We use computer aided drafting to accurately calculate material removal weight which eliminates any guess work that's done with trail methods. Therefore we can offer greater customizability that's accurate and cost effective. The calculated geometry is then transferred to our fully automated high precision CNC lathes. The flywheel is then prepared with our proprietary stuffer blocks to prevent steel chips from getting attached to the internal magnets during machining. Whereas the competition removes the magnets prior to machining, this can alter the balance of the flywheel. We do not disassemble anything and can ensure a chip free flywheel in return. The flywheel is then mounted to the CNC lathe by using the original taper of the crankshaft that is indicated to .25 microns or better to ensure a perfectly balanced flywheel. The flywheel is then cleaned and finished with clear coat for rust prevention.


Technical Specifications:

Weight Reduced: Customizable up to 300 grams

Finish Type: Clear Coated


Note: This is for the service of machining your flywheel. This requires you to send in a core that's in useable condition which will then be machined within 1-5 business days and then returned to you. Please send the core to the address on our home page. The core that you send in will be the one that we service and return back to you. Return shipping is included in the price.


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